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Last night we attended the second annual edition of Prix #modeMtl, an event organized by Montreal’s Fashion Bureau and held at the Pointe-à-Callière Museum. The award ceremony promotes ties between fashion and the Web, recognizing designers, retailers, manufacturers, boutiques and Montreal blogs that have made a big splash on the Internet.

The host of the night was Lolitta Dandoy, popular Montreal blogger and creator of Fashion is Everywhere. As the awards kicked off and the winners were revealed, we were pleasantly surprised to discover that two of our creations were recognized for their excellence! The site we created for WANT Les Essentiels de la Vie took home the award for Best Transactional Website, while the interactive catalogue site we created for Kamik was rewarded with the title of Best Non-transactional Website. What an honour!

We’re very proud of our team and of our clients for working together to make these projects as exceptional as they are. We’d also like to shout out to everyone at the Montreal Fashion Bureau and congratulate them on a very successful evening. If you want to learn more about the event and the winners, visit their website!